Saturday, July 7, 2012

Polish Your Skin with A Sugar Scrub

Get Glowing Skin !

Polish Your Skin with A Sugar Scrub- 

A sugar scrub can be used afterwards to further encourage the shedding of dead cells and to improve the look and feel of skin even more. Sugar scrubs are also an excellent way to polish and smooth the skin and leave it shining with health and vitality. Scrubs are highly recommended to add to your regular skin care regime.

Is sugar scrub safe?

A sugar scrub is very gentle on the skin and with care, is gentle enough to be used on the face (the emphasis being “with care” as facial skin can be damaged easily). Scrubs cleanse the skin as well as act as an exfoliate to polish the skin and they are also known to both circulate and stimulate fluids from the lymph glands. The oils in the scrub help to lock moisture into the skin and leave it feeling refreshed and invigorated.

Sugar cane produces one of the natural alpha hydroxy acids known as Glycolic.
which is often found in some of the more expensively priced beauty products on the market.
It boasts many positive effects to skin including improving dry skin, skin damaged by the harmful rays of the sun, problem skin that is prone to flare ups and thickened skin.
It is also very beneficial for those suffering from the skin Eczema.

How to Use

As sugar scrubs are excellent at removing dry patches and restoring the natural luster to skin. A new layer of skin is revealed after using a sugar scrub. Always massage the scrub on the face in a slow, circular motion and splash the scrub off when it is finished as opposed to wiping it off to help prevent scratching of delicate skin.

For best results a sugar scrub should be used on the body once a week and it is wise to use after dry skin brushing and as a precursor to a shower. While one can be done without the other for exfoliation purposes, a sugar scrub combined with the dry skin brushing process would allow the skin to reap even more benefits than if one was done alone.

There is no potential for any discomfort when you follow dry skin brushing with a sugar scrub as long as you use a gentle hand and are not in any way rough with your skin.

Most people should begin to notice a softer suppler feel to their skin after using both in a matter of a few weeks to a month’s time. Secondly, a little bit of scrub goes a long way. You don’t need to be heavy-handed in order to do the beauty job properly.

Where to Start

Sugar scrubs should always be applied in a circular motion and you should start with your feet, then do your ankles and work up your legs. Next apply the scrub to your arms, hands and shoulders, and work your way down your back and then finish by going up the torso and towards the heart. *A sugar scrub should never be applied to the nipples and avoid getting too close to the pubic area.

Test it 

Sugar scrubs spread very easily over damp skin and rinse off cleanly. They are also excellent for all skin types, especially for dry to extremely dry skin. Even the most sensitive skin can be helped by the action of a sugar scrub and should not cause irritation, as previously mentioned. However if you are concerned about this then do a patch test first to determine if you are a good candidate for a sugar scrub. A patch test involves testing a small patch of skin on the inside of one of your arms and seeing how it reacts before you use it on your whole body.

A word of WARMING

Never push too hard or spend too long exfoliating, both when it comes to dry skin brushing as well as using a sugar scrub as it can damage underlying skin cells. Your goal is to improve the quality of your skin, not detract from it. A word of warning about scrubs (sugar scrubs as well as all other kinds)- never use one on your face or body the day of, or even the day before, a big event such as a graduation, wedding, job interview, big date, family reunion, etc. The reason for this is because on occasion temporary blotches can result due to the fact that you are removing a layer of dead surface cells. *A sugar scrub should never be applied to the nipples and avoid getting too close to the pubic area. DO NOT apply on cuts!!!

To Buy or to Make Your Own Sugar Scrub?

Sugar scrubs can be purchased in the beauty departments of many stores and come in a variety of delicious smelling flavors and fancy packaging. However the downside is that they can be fairly pricey.

Sugar scrubs you make at home can be every bit as effective for your skin and can be made at a fraction of the cost. You can choose to use either natural cane sugar, white granulated sugar or brown sugar. The cheapest to buy of the three is white sugar but it works exactly the same as sugar cane. Brown sugar on the other hand is even gentler on skin and some people prefer it for its warmer and more delicious scent. Who couldn’t love brown sugar! Light or brown sugar can be used but light is probably the yummier smelling of the two. You decide what you wish to use. But, I will prefer using brown sugar! 

I would say, Try it on your foot... for just a few times u will see results !

Stay in tune!!! 
Next.... i will teach DIY Brown Sugar Scrub Making!
Brown sugar with Olive oil, Brown sugar with Lavander oil
And also the scrubs i love. I will share the products pictures. 

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Be Beautiful ... Be Yourself

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